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INTRODUCTION. It is an honour and privilege to report on the activities of SADPO over the past financial year. It has been an eventful year full of challenges, and I am going to attempt to summarize the most important activities but will also report on the circumstances that we do not have control over that have a significant impact on our side of the producing industry. CIRCUMSTANCES...

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Exciting News! 💥 South African Diamond Producers Organisation (SADPO) is thrilled to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Authentia! After thorough consideration, we've chosen Authentia for its exceptional Certificate of Origin and its comprehensive, multi-layered traceability platform. Starting from the mine and ending with the consumer, this patented back traceability solution aligns perfectly with our mission. We look forward to introducing Authentia to...

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INTRODUCTION It is indeed an honour and pleasure to report on the SADPO activities of the past year. I want to thank everyone for affording me this privilege. Given the current situation, with specific reference to the diamond market, our industry is under immense financial pressure, and to top it all, it is but one of many reasons contributing to the disastrous state of affairs our...

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